Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Proof of audience

This has 93 read but 25 likes assuming around 40 actually read it. This was a decoy to grab attention which I photo shopped :).

The poem itself
Also got a few friends to read it. Gordon, Jeffrey and iris ( she didn't want her photo)
Posted this and got feedbacks (about 10 but only 1 will be displayed. But if you want to see them all I will show in class.

Also had some visits here (assuming around 20-30 actually read it because I received 20 emails.)
To top it off I also had about 50 on Instagram.

In conclusion, my poem was mostly done electronically which is related to what the poem is about. Although this was easy and fast ..what I've learned is that the ways people interpret it is different and the emotions that the poet wants to convey may be lost because it is read differently. If a person read it out loud to another person they can even explain what they are trying to talk about if the listener did not understand but it is much harder to explain all the emotions electronically.